| 1. | I have this thing about sauces . less is more 调料的事. . .少而精嘛 |
| 2. | Less is more , when it comes to maintainability and usability 数量越少就越有利于可维护性和可重用性。 |
| 3. | He never learns you can have fun , fun , fun but less is more 他从不学习你可以玩得很开心但是越少就越多 |
| 4. | He never learns you can have fun , fun , fun but less is more 他从不学习你可以玩得很开心但是越少就越多 |
| 5. | Minimalism is characterized by space with very sparse design elements and helped launch the popular art slogan of “ less is more 最小主义艺术的特征是稀疏的画面,这一艺术促成了“简即繁”的艺术口号。 |
| 6. | This book offers practical examples and creative ideas for those seeking to create a home environment in line with the century : “ less is more ” 这本书为那些寻找并创造一个与本世纪一致的家庭环境的人提供了实例和创造性的观点: “少即是多” 。 |
| 7. | Pouring on the charm one drop at a time when flirting is just as important as the " less is more " fashion rule ( which was designed to keep women from drowning out their natural beauty by wearing far too much makeup ) 调情与“简单就是美”的流行规则(为使女人避免以浓妆艳抹掩盖自然美而设计)同等重要,你要注意把握适当,要一点一滴地为你的魅力添彩。 |
| 8. | Out of the main fashion centers of milan , paris , new york and london have come three main looks , the decorative , colorful " boho look " , the " less is more " streamlined look and the new look , and the " mix and match " look , 米兰、巴黎、纽约和伦敦这些主要时装中心产生了三种主要款式:浓饰重彩的“博合”式; “少而益善”的流线式以及“混合搭配”的新时式。 |